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My name is Kyla Rawlins and I'm an ambassador for the 2021-2022 school year. I'm also currently a second-year Early Childhood Education major at UC Blue Ash. So far I have loved my time at UCBA despite the circumstances. I believe it to be an amazing place of support, growth, and opportunities. I'm excited to see where my journey this year will take me. With that being said, I hope to make long-lasting connections and develop new skills.

"There is no greater joy than an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

Quote from "Into The Wild."

I believe this ambassador position will allow me to grow outside of my comfort zone even more. Providing me with a "new horizon." 

Ultimately, that is my goal for my entire college career.


I'm grateful to be a part of the Bearcat family!


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